Scripts of all of Asia Шрифты азиатских языков.
Hieronymus Bosch BetweenMagic and Reality Biography of Hieronymus Bosch HieronymusBosch wasborn ininHertogenbosch a provincial but prosperous town located in the modernNetherlands close to the Belgian border.
POP ART СелеменеваА. Мма USStyle and design century PopArt Commercial Photography The twentieth centuryis the first century of self conscious total design at every levelof our living and environment. Care and vision in application ofdesign hav Andits influence can be seen also and on a graphic design in USA.
The JAZZ Story AnOutline History of Jazz In the span of less than acentury the remarkable native American music called Jazz has risen fromobscure folk origins to become this countrys birthof the blues brassbands and ragtime enterjass NewOrleans Cradle of Jazz The best way to account for the early development of jazz in NewOrleans is to familiarize yourself with the.
Колледжи и университеты США Ashort time after the first colonists came to the territory which wenow call Massachusetts the General Court of Massachusetts made thefirst contribution for Harvard College. It was in This schoollater became the famous Harvard University.
Театр Portion I. Michael Gosselynrsquos office was furnished in good taste. Everyone who came there realized at once that it was an office of the manager of a first class theatre. The walls had been panelled and on th Portion II Though Michael told Julia a lot about his family she wasnrs aware that they knew about her existence.
Great Britain the Land of Traditions Every nation has a stereotyped reputation of some kind or other partly good or partly bad. Roots of stereotypes. Studying some stereotyped images of the United Kingdom in areas: the political system of the country clothes food and eating habits.
Creative work
Le Franсais thеаtre Origines du thеаtre. Le Moyen Age. Le Classicisme: les scenes parisiennes Corneille Moliere Racine. Le Romantisme au XIXe siecle: Napoleon et le thеаtre Victor Hugo Dumas Merimee. Le thеаtre bourgeois: drames et comedies operettes et vaudeville.
Pablo Picasso 2 Биография Пабло Пикассо. Некоторые факты его личной жизни. История его творческого пути. Политические убеждения художника пацифистская деятельность. Периоды: голубой розовый африканский. Направления его творчества: кубизм классицизм сюрреализм.
The collection of French art in the Hermitage The Hermitage is one of the greatest museums in the world. Put together throughout two centuries and a half the Hermitage collections of works of art present the development of the world culture and art from the Stone Age to the th century.
The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo Buonarotti Renaissance art and culture during the Renaissance. Biography of famous artist and painter Michelangelo. His architectural masterpieces: the sculpture of David the dome of St. Peter s Basilica in the Vatican.
The Renaissance The dark Middle Ages were followed by a time known in art and literature as the Renaissance. The word renaissance means rebirth in French and was used to denote a phase in the cultural development of Europe between the th and th centuries.
Tobolsk theatre Theatre art is very actual. The oldest Siberia theatre. Tobolsk theatre in years of Great Domestic war. Drama theatre in post-war time. Tobolsk stage in - th years. The Artists. The jubilee years of theatre.
Valentines day St. Valentine s Day is the traditional day on which lovers. The day s associations with romantic love. History of Valentine s Day. The influential Gnostic teacher Valentinius: versions of these legends.
Достопримечательности Бразилии Описание достопримечательностей. Бразилии: огромная статуя. Христа Спасителя Музей Кармен Миранды Рио-де-Жанейро церкви. Святого Франциска зачатия. Божьей Матери Ратуши Ору-Прету парка. Ибирапуэра Сан-Паула заповедника.
Древняя Япония 2 Изучение географического положения культурного наследия особенностей национальной одежды. Японии. Художественно-театральные особенности включающие кукольный театр. Кабуки и Но святилище. Аматэрасу. Изображение чайной церемонии в японском обществе.
Иконы Наследие иконописи: знаменитые иконы мира. Дегтяревская икона почитаемая чудотворной в Украине. Кипрская икона. Божией Матери и ее таинственное происхождение. Умягчение злых сердец. Третьяковская галерея.
Николя Пуссен - художник классицизма 1594-1665 гг Творчество французского художника. Николя Пуссена - вершина классицизма в живописи. Прославление героического человека способного преобразовать природу в творчестве живописца. Секреты работы мастера взаимосвязь основных красочных звучаний в его работах.
Художник Василий Иванович Суриков Основные этапы жизненного и творческого пути. Василия Сурикова характеристика его художественной манеры. Главные картины: Утро стрелецкой казни. Меншиков в Березове Боярыня Морозова Покорение Сибири Ермаком Переход Суворова через.
Culture of Kazakhstan Kazakh Yurt. It consists of wooden framework, covered with felt. The framework ( kerege ) forms walls of the dwelling made of latticed wooden poles uyuk - long wooden poles serve as a cover for the upper spherical portion of the yurt shanrak is the top most open.
U.S. Culture CULTURE. American culture is rich, complex, and unique. It emerged from the short and rapid European conquest of an enormous landmass sparsely settled by diverse indigenous peoples. Although European cultural patterns predominated, especially in language, the arts, and political institutions, peoples from.
Sport general, in Britain Sport is good for all. Southern Greece.
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